How to Buy

1)    一旦决定想购买任何包包前,先联络店主以便查清楚包包是否还有存货。
·        Email:
·        sms: 012-3058581
·        店主会回复mm存货和包包价钱加邮费。
2)    如果还有存货,mm便可以汇款。
·        请在店主回复5天以内100%汇款。因为店主将为mm保留起包包。否则包包就会重新开放给别人购买了。
3)    mm们可以汇款至CIMB 1270-0008275-528 WONG WAI YIN
4)    立即通知店主关于汇款资料:
·        买家姓名:
·        包包编号,颜色&数量:
·        汇款日期:
·        汇款时间:
·        汇款总数:
·        收货人姓名:
·        收货地址:
·        联络电话:
·        电邮地址:
5)    一旦确认款项已过账,店主将安排出货。
6)    一般来说,货物会在3个工作天内寄到。
·        倘若在汇款时有多付的余款,店主会全数跟包包一起寄到mm们手中。

How to buy:
Step: Contact me to check for the stock availability through
·        Email: or
·        sms: 012-3058581
·    I shall confirm back with you the stock availability and the price plus postage you have to pay.
Step: Make payment
·  Kindly make full payment within 5 days once I confirm with you the stock is available, because I shall reserve the product for you.
Step 3: Make payment via cash deposit machine to
  CIMB 1270-0008275-528 WONG WAI YIN
Step 4: Kindly let me know the following details:-
·        Buyer full name:
·        Product’s code, colour & quantity purchase:
·        Payment date:
·        Payment time:
·        Total payment:
·        Receiver’s name:
·        Delivery address:
·        Buyer’s contact number:
·        Buyer’s email address:
Step 5I shall process your order once payment is confirmed.
Step 6:You may receive your parcel within 3 working days.
·        I understand that cash deposit machine do not receive RM1 and RM5 notes. Therefore, I shall put the balance (if any) together inside the parcel.